Monday, September 5, 2011

Thomas Newman - Any Other Name

Thomas Newman - Any Other Name

R/Load Runner ERRORS

What is WSA_IO_PENDING? WSA_IO_PENDING 997, is a Windows Socket error that is returned by the WSAGetLastError function. It is non-LoadRunner error like “Error -27728: Step download timeout (999 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s)” or “Connection to load generator failed. Error: Process “lr_bridge.exe” was not created. Reason: – communication error. [MsgId: MERR-29996]“, etc. The error means the overlapped operations will complete later. From Windows Socket perspective, the application has initiated an overlapped operation that cannot be completed immediately.

A completion indication will be given later when the operation has been completed. This error is returned by the operating system and therefore the error number may change in future releases of Windows. For the complete list of Windows Socket errors, refer to Windows Socket Error Codes.

(Source: MSDN Library, Windows Socket Error Codes)

However, having mentioned the above, there is still a slight relationship of how the error occur. The transmission of data to the server failed. It could be a network, router, or server problem. The word Overlapped refers to the way LoadRunner sends data in order to get a Web Page Breakdown.

To resolve this problem, add the following statement to the beginning of the script to disable the breakdown of the “First Buffer” into server and network time:

web_set_sockets_option(“OVERLAPPED_SEND”, “0¨);


Server xxxx has shut down the connection prematurely
First thing "Server xyz has shut down the connection prematurely " is not a webserver issue.
This is purely loadrunner issue and is one of the major pain area.

1. Make sure we are not ramping up all user simultaneously
2. Rendez point are not holding up too many users.
3. Make sure retry option is greater than 5
4. Check network connectivity or blockage.
5. Decrease the load from loadrunner machine
6. Clear the Temp folder in (Documents and Settings-->user-->Local Settings)-->Temp
and restart the machine on which loadrunner is installed (This one is my favorite, it has always helped me in getting rid from this error, but the condition is that scripts ran successfully before and now you suddenly start seeing this error)

Put this in script, not a solution but just the workaround.
web_set_sockets_option ("NEW_BEHAVIOR_OF_OVERLAPPED_SEND", "1");
If none of the above option helps then put web_set_sockets_option("IGNORE_PREMATURE_SHUTDOWN", "1"); in vuser_init()

You can also following
Run time settings --> Preferences --> Use WinInet Replay instead of Sockets (windows only)
but it worked in very specific cases. Not a general solution.

R/Load Runner


Eğer testinizde kullanıcı sayısını 1000+ olarak set edip kullanıcı sayısı 1000'in üzerine çıkmıyorsa Load Generator ayarlarında değişiklik yapmanız gerekmektedir.

Bunu da aşağıdaki gibi yapabilirsiniz :

1) Scenario > Load Generators

2 ) Load Generator seçilip Details butonuna tıklanır.

3) VuserLimits'den RTE ve Other Users limiti değiştirilir.